Alex Woodhead's Portfolio

The Maverick Project

The Maverick Project

Page last updated: July, 2022

Please note, the above video, and the corresponding text below, is extremely out of date and does not represent “Maverick’s” capabilities at this time. I will make an updated video and description about “Maverick” in the future.


My most ambitious project to date…

Maverick is an ongoing project and will be for some time. Maverick is my personal assistant in early stages of development and is growing weekly, with new features added, and usability improved.

Maverick is rather intelligent, in that it mimics natural language processing, while still keeping it fast and its responses brief, which helps the assistant feel more like a companion than a tool.

Maverick’s main quest is to put the personal in to personal assistant, while still having as much functionality as possible.

Later down the line, Maverick will be able to interface with MANY technologies such as AR smart glasses, my entire house and maybe even a car. This will keep maverick with you and make having him around very natural.

Maverick is completely written in C#, and is running on my PC, and my phone. I use Xamarin to develop the I/O app for my phone that can also run in the background, and with this, I use it to communicate with my PC though encrypted TCP, so my it all the hard work (like email look ups and neural network processing) which saves resources on my phone and saves battery life.

For more information, watch the video above showing off some examples of what he can do at this stage.